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Keeping Your Goals

New Year New Me. That's my resolve this year, on many more levels than the typical eat right and exercise more.

I am purposing to be more positive, to approach my work with the same passion and tenacity everyday, to encourage others on their own path to personal wellness, and to inspire those around me to take wellness into their own hands.

For me, this has many forms. I am a wife, a mother, a professional makeup artist, an entrepreneur, a musician and an artist. I have people in my life constantly that I have influence on, whether directly or indirectly, and I am blessed intermittently with the opportunity to influence those who seek my help or services.

It all sounds and seems so daunting. We all set a goal, whether at the start of a new year, or after a major life event. We start off great, full of gusto and fervor, then something happens....LIFE. Work runs late, so we hit the drive-thru, Schedules fill up, so we skip the gym. The kids get sick, so we grab Vicks. Our mineral makeup runs out, so we grab some cheap Cover Girl. It happens. But rather than giving up completely, let's resolve to live wholly and healthy and happily.

Here are a few ways to keep your wellness goals:

1. Cook more.

Even if you work a full time job away from home, whether single or in a family, it can be done. You can utilize a slow cooker (crock pot) or dedicate 2 hours or so to preparing meals for the week ahead of time, and freeze them. Doing so will help cut back on preservatives and toxins found in high quantities in prepackaged foods. Even cutting veggies ahead of time and adding seasoning to they can be added to spaghetti or pre made pizza crust can save you tons of time and result in a nutritious meal.

2. Schedule gym/workout time like you would an appointment.

Whether you work out at home, run, or actually join a gym, treating your workout time like an appointment will help you value it. It will prevent overlapping activities and appointments, and help keep you accountable. When life happens and you have to miss it, make other choices to keep your body active: take the stairs, go for a walk on your lunch break, eat lighter meals that day, or take the long way home to relax the mind.

3. Keep holistic remedies on-hand.

There are so many options these days when it comes to holistic health. Whether herbal remedies, essential oils, handmade tinctures, or health food store brands, possibilities are practically endless. By getting to the root of the issue, we can treat the actual illness and boost the immune system rather than just minimizing the unpleasant symptoms of an illness. It is very empowering to be able to treat illness and boost wellness on your own, without the "help" of conventional medicine or high-priced doctors and co-payments.

4. Educate yourself on Green Beauty options.

There truly is a wide array of options when it comes to cleaning up your beauty routine. There is an entire Green Beauty movement of artists, formulators and experts dedicated to share their passion and products. From skincare to grooming, baby, beauty & cosmetics and even cleaning supplies....there are many options to help you make better, more informed health and beauty choices.

Making your health and wellness a priority (and keeping it that way), doesn't have to be stressful or overwhelming. Taking things one step at a time, and/or seeking out someone with success in an area you find challenging is the best thing. Leave yourself room to make a mistake and to continually learn what's best for you and your family. One choice at a time. One day at a time.

What's that saying, " How does one eat an elephant?" The answer is one bite at a time. (Not that I recommend that!) ;-)

Be Healthy. Live Beautifully.

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